My public projects with a certain overrepresentation of data visualizations (easy to share, easy to explain, eye-candy).
More open-source projects on my GitHub account. For professional work, take a look at my resume.
Pulser Studio2022-2023(deployed) No-code user interface for quantum computing, developed by Quantum Flytrap for Pasqal neutral atoms hardware.[review][context]
bra-ket-vue2020-2020(done) A Vue-based visualization of quantum states and operations. With Klem Jankiewicz.
Quantum Game 22019-2020(evolved into Virtual Lab by Quantum Flytrap) At Centre for Quantum Technologies. A puzzle game with photons, two photons. With Klem Jankiewicz, Philippe Cochin, Chiara Decaroli et al.
livelossplot2018-(in progress (active!)) Live training loss plot in Jupyter Notebook for Keras, PyTorch and other frameworks.[Reddit]
Trypophobia Image Detector - Browser Plugin using Deep Learning2017-2017(as it is) A deep learning project by Artur Puzio and Grzegorz Uriasz made as part of an internship at sponsored by The Polish Children's Fund and supervised by Piotr Migdał.