Package livelossplot
Don't train deep learning models blindfolded! Be impatient and look at each epoch of your training!
A live training loss plot in Jupyter Notebook for Keras, PyTorch and other frameworks. An open-source Python package by Piotr Migdał, Bartłomiej Olechno and others. Open for collaboration! (Some tasks are as simple as writing code docstrings, so - no excuses! :))
from livelossplot import PlotLossesKeras, Y_train,
validation_data=(X_test, Y_test),
- (The most FA)Q: Why not TensorBoard?
- A: Jupyter Notebook compatibility (for exploration and teaching). The simplicity of use.
To install this version from PyPI, type:
pip install livelossplot
To get the newest one from this repo (note that we are in the alpha stage, so there may be frequent updates), type:
pip install git+git://
Look at notebook files with full working examples:
- keras.ipynb - a Keras callback
- minimal.ipynb - a bare API, to use anywhere
- bokeh.ipynb - a bare API, plots with Bokeh (open it in Colab to see the plots)
- pytorch.ipynb - a bare API, as applied to PyTorch
- 2d_prediction_maps.ipynb - example of custom plots - 2d prediction maps (0.4.1+)
- poutyne.ipynb - a Poutyne callback (Poutyne is a Keras-like framework for PyTorch)
- torchbearer.ipynb - an example using the built in functionality from torchbearer (torchbearer is a model fitting library for PyTorch)
- and neptune.ipynb - a Neptune.AI
- matplotlib.ipynb - a Matplotlib output example
- various_options.ipynb - an extended API for metrics grouping and custom outputs
Text logs are easy, but it's easy to miss the most crucial information: is it learning, doing nothing or overfitting? Visual feedback allows us to keep track of the training process. Now there is one for Jupyter.
If you want to get serious - use TensorBoard, .
But what if you just want to train a small model in Jupyter Notebook? Here is a way to do so, using livelossplot
as a plug&play component
from livelossplot import …
for a generic API.
plotlosses = PlotLosses()
plotlosses.update({'acc': 0.7, 'val_acc': 0.4, 'loss': 0.9, 'val_loss': 1.1})
plot.send() # draw, update logs, etc
There are callbacks for common libraries and frameworks: PlotLossesKeras()
, PlotLossesKerasTF()
, PlotLossesPoutyne()
, PlotLossesIgnite()
Feel invited to write, and contribute, your adapter.
If you want to use a bare logger, there is MainLogger
from livelossplot.outputs import …
Plots: MatplotlibPlot
, BokehPlot
Loggers: ExtremaPrinter
(to standard output), TensorboardLogger
, TensorboardTFLogger
, NeptuneLogger
To use them, initialize PlotLosses with some outputs:
plotlosses = PlotLosses(outputs=[MatplotlibPlot(), TensorboardLogger()])
There are custom matplotlib
plots in livelossplot.outputs.matplotlib_subplots
you can pass in MatplotlibPlot
If you like to plot with Bokeh instead of matplotlib, use
plotlosses = PlotLosses(outputs=[BokehPlot()])
This project supported by Jacek Migdał, Marek Cichy, Casper da Costa-Luis, and Piotr Zientara. Join the sponsors - show your ❤️ and support, and appear on the list! It will give me time and energy to work on this project.
This project is also supported by a European program Program Operacyjny Inteligentny Rozwój for GearShift - building the engine of behavior of wheeled motor vehicles and map’s generation based on artificial intelligence algorithms implemented on the Unreal Engine platform lead by ECC Games (NCBR grant GameINN).
It started as this gist. Since it went popular, I decided to rewrite it as a package.
Oh, and I am in general interested in data vis, see Simple diagrams of convoluted neural networks (and overview of deep learning architecture diagrams):
A good diagram is worth a thousand equations — let’s create more of these!
…or my other data vis projects.
If you want more functionality - open an Issue or even better - prepare a Pull Request.
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.. include:: ../
import sys
import warnings
from importlib.util import find_spec
from .main_logger import MainLogger
from .plot_losses import PlotLosses
from . import inputs
from .inputs import *
from . import outputs
from .version import __version__
_input_plugin_dict = {
'keras': 'Keras',
'tf_keras': 'KerasTF',
'pytorch_ignite': 'Ignite',
'poutyne': 'Poutyne',
class OldDependenciesFinder:
Data package module loader finder. This class sits on `sys.meta_path` and returns the
loader it knows for a given path, if it knows a compatible loader.
def find_spec(self, fullname: str, *_, **__):
"""This functions is what gets executed by the loader.
fullname: name of the called module
parts = fullname.split('.')
if len(parts) == 2 and parts[0] == 'livelossplot' and parts[1] in _input_plugin_dict:
name = parts[1]
msg = 'livelossplot.{name} will be deprecated, please use livelossplot.inputs.{name}\n'
msg += 'or use callback directly: from livelossplot import PlotLosses{new_name}'
warnings.warn(msg.format(name=name, new_name=_input_plugin_dict[name]), DeprecationWarning)
fullname = 'livelossplot.inputs.{name}'.format(name=name)
return find_spec(fullname)
return None
__all__ = [
'MainLogger', 'inputs', 'outputs', 'PlotLosses', 'PlotLossesKeras', 'PlotLossesKerasTF', 'PlotLossesIgnite',
Livelossplot version number
def PlotLossesIgnite(**kwargs)
PlotLosses callback for PyTorch-Ignite, a library for PyTorch.
- key-arguments which are passed to PlotLosses
Requires pytorch-ignite to be installed,
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def PlotLossesIgnite(**kwargs): """PlotLosses callback for PyTorch-Ignite, a library for PyTorch. Args: **kwargs: key-arguments which are passed to PlotLosses Notes: Requires pytorch-ignite to be installed, <>. """ from .pytorch_ignite import PlotLossesCallback return PlotLossesCallback(**kwargs)
def PlotLossesKeras(**kwargs)
PlotLosses callback for Keras (as a standalone library, not a TensorFlow module).
- key-arguments which are passed to PlotLosses
Requires keras to be installed.
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def PlotLossesKeras(**kwargs): """PlotLosses callback for Keras (as a standalone library, not a TensorFlow module). Args: **kwargs: key-arguments which are passed to PlotLosses Notes: Requires keras to be installed. """ from .keras import PlotLossesCallback return PlotLossesCallback(**kwargs)
def PlotLossesKerasTF(**kwargs)
PlotLosses callback for Keras (as a module of TensorFlow).
- key-arguments which are passed to PlotLosses
Requires tensorflow to be installed.
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def PlotLossesKerasTF(**kwargs): """PlotLosses callback for Keras (as a module of TensorFlow). Args: **kwargs: key-arguments which are passed to PlotLosses Notes: Requires tensorflow to be installed. """ from .tf_keras import PlotLossesCallback return PlotLossesCallback(**kwargs)
def PlotLossesPoutyne(**kwargs)
PlotLosses callback for Poutyne, a library for PyTorch.
- key-arguments which are passed to PlotLosses
Requires poutyne to be installed,
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def PlotLossesPoutyne(**kwargs): """PlotLosses callback for Poutyne, a library for PyTorch. Args: **kwargs: key-arguments which are passed to PlotLosses Notes: Requires poutyne to be installed, <>. """ from .poutyne import PlotLossesCallback return PlotLossesCallback(**kwargs)
class MainLogger (groups: Optional[Dict[str, List[str]]] = None, metric_to_name: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, from_step: int = 0, current_step: int = -1, auto_generate_groups_if_not_available: bool = True, auto_generate_metric_to_name: bool = True, group_patterns: Iterable[Tuple[Pattern[~AnyStr], str]] = (('^(?!val(_|-))(.*)', 'training'), ('^(val(_|-))(.*)', 'validation')), step_names: Union[str, Dict[str, str]] = 'epoch')
Main logger - the aim of this class is to store every log from training Log is a float value with corresponding training engine step
- dictionary with grouped metrics for example the group 'accuracy' can contains different stages for example 'validation_accuracy', 'training_accuracy' etc.
- transformation of metric name which can be used to display name we can have short name in the code (acc), but full name on charts (Accuracy)
- step to show in plots (positive: show steps from this one, negative: show only this many last steps)
- current step of the train loop
- flag, that enable auto-creation of metric groups base on group patterns
- flag, that enable auto-creation of metric long names base on common shortcuts
- you can put there regular expressions to match a few metric names with group and replace its name using second value
- dictionary with a name of x axis for each metrics group or one name for all metrics
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class MainLogger: """ Main logger - the aim of this class is to store every log from training Log is a float value with corresponding training engine step """ def __init__( self, groups: Optional[Dict[str, List[str]]] = None, metric_to_name: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, from_step: int = 0, current_step: int = -1, auto_generate_groups_if_not_available: bool = True, auto_generate_metric_to_name: bool = True, group_patterns: Iterable[Tuple[Pattern, str]] = ( (r'^(?!val(_|-))(.*)', 'training'), (r'^(val(_|-))(.*)', 'validation'), ), step_names: Union[str, Dict[str, str]] = 'epoch' ): """ Args: groups: dictionary with grouped metrics for example the group 'accuracy' can contains different stages for example 'validation_accuracy', 'training_accuracy' etc. metric_to_name: transformation of metric name which can be used to display name we can have short name in the code (acc), but full name on charts (Accuracy) from_step: step to show in plots (positive: show steps from this one, negative: show only this many last steps) current_step: current step of the train loop auto_generate_groups_if_not_available: flag, that enable auto-creation of metric groups base on group patterns auto_generate_metric_to_name: flag, that enable auto-creation of metric long names base on common shortcuts group_patterns: you can put there regular expressions to match a few metric names with group and replace its name using second value step_names: dictionary with a name of x axis for each metrics group or one name for all metrics """ self.log_history = {} self.groups = groups if groups is not None else {} self.metric_to_name = metric_to_name if metric_to_name else {} self.from_step = from_step self.current_step = current_step self.auto_generate_groups = all((not groups, auto_generate_groups_if_not_available)) self.auto_generate_metric_to_name = auto_generate_metric_to_name self.group_patterns = tuple((re.compile(pattern), replace_with) for pattern, replace_with in group_patterns) if isinstance(step_names, str): self.step_names = defaultdict(lambda: step_names) else: self.step_names = defaultdict(lambda: 'epoch', step_names) def update(self, logs: Dict[str, float], current_step: Optional[int] = None) -> None: """ Args: logs: dictionary with metric names and values current_step: current step of the training loop Notes: Loop step can be controlled outside or inside main logger with autoincrement of self.current_step """ if current_step is None: self.current_step += 1 current_step = self.current_step else: self.current_step = current_step for k, v in logs.items(): if k not in self.log_history: self._add_new_metric(k) self.log_history[k].append(LogItem(step=current_step, value=v)) def _add_new_metric(self, metric_name: str): """Add empty list for a new metric and extend metric name transformations Args: metric_name: name of metric that will be added to log_history as empty list """ self.log_history[metric_name] = [] if not self.metric_to_name.get(metric_name): self._auto_generate_metrics_to_name(metric_name) def _auto_generate_metrics_to_name(self, metric_name: str): """The function generate transforms for metric names base on patterns Args: metric_name: name of new appended metric Example: It can create transformation from val_acc to Validation Accuracy """ suffix = self._find_suffix_with_group_patterns(metric_name) if suffix is None and suffix != metric_name: return similar_metric_names = [m for m in self.log_history.keys() if m.endswith(suffix)] if len(similar_metric_names) == 1: return for name in similar_metric_names: new_name = name for pattern_to_replace, replace_with in self.group_patterns: new_name = re.sub(pattern_to_replace, replace_with, new_name) if suffix in COMMON_NAME_SHORTCUTS.keys(): new_name = new_name.replace(suffix, COMMON_NAME_SHORTCUTS[suffix]) self.metric_to_name[name] = new_name def grouped_log_history(self, raw_names: bool = False, raw_group_names: bool = False) -> Dict[str, Dict[str, List[LogItem]]]: """ Args: raw_names: flag, return raw names instead of transformed by metric to name (as in update() input dictionary) raw_group_names: flag, return group names without transforming them with COMMON_NAME_SHORTCUTS Returns: logs grouped by metric groups - groups are passed in the class constructor Notes: method use group patterns instead of groups if they are available """ if self.auto_generate_groups: self.groups = self._auto_generate_groups() ret = {} sorted_groups = OrderedDict(sorted(self.groups.items(), key=lambda t: t[0])) for group_name, names in sorted_groups.items(): group_name = group_name if raw_group_names else COMMON_NAME_SHORTCUTS.get(group_name, group_name) ret[group_name] = { name if raw_names else self.metric_to_name.get(name, name): self.history_shorter(name) for name in names } return ret def history_shorter(self, name: str, full: bool = False) -> List[LogItem]: """ Args: name: metrics name, e.g. 'val_acc' or 'loss' full: flag, if True return all, otherwise as specified by the from_step parameter Returns: a list of log items """ log_metrics = self.log_history[name] if full or self.from_step == 0: return log_metrics elif self.from_step > 0: return [x for x in log_metrics if x.step >= self.from_step] else: current_from_step = self.current_step + self.from_step return [x for x in log_metrics if x.step >= current_from_step] def _auto_generate_groups(self) -> Dict[str, List[str]]: """ Returns: groups generated with group patterns Notes: Auto create groups base on val_ prefix - this step is skipped if groups are set or if group patterns are available """ groups = {} for key in self.log_history.keys(): abs_key = self._find_suffix_with_group_patterns(key) if not groups.get(abs_key): groups[abs_key] = [] groups[abs_key].append(key) return groups def _find_suffix_with_group_patterns(self, metric_name: str) -> str: suffix = metric_name for pattern, _ in self.group_patterns: match = re.match(pattern, metric_name) if match: suffix = match.groups()[-1] return suffix def reset(self) -> None: """Method clears logs, groups and reset step counter""" self.log_history = {} self.groups = {} self.current_step = -1 @property def groups(self) -> Dict[str, List[str]]: """groups getter""" return self._groups @groups.setter def groups(self, value: Dict[str, List[str]]) -> None: """groups setter - groups should be dictionary""" if value is None: self._groups = {} self._groups = value @property def log_history(self) -> Dict[str, List[LogItem]]: """logs getter""" return self._log_history @log_history.setter def log_history(self, value: Dict[str, List[LogItem]]) -> None: """logs setter - logs can not be overwritten - you can only reset it to empty state""" if len(value) > 0: raise RuntimeError('Cannot overwrite log history with non empty dictionary') self._log_history = value
Instance variables
var groups : Dict[str, List[str]]
groups getter
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@property def groups(self) -> Dict[str, List[str]]: """groups getter""" return self._groups
var log_history : Dict[str, List[LogItem]]
logs getter
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@property def log_history(self) -> Dict[str, List[LogItem]]: """logs getter""" return self._log_history
def grouped_log_history(self, raw_names: bool = False, raw_group_names: bool = False) ‑> Dict[str, Dict[str, List[LogItem]]]
- flag, return raw names instead of transformed by metric to name (as in update() input dictionary)
- flag, return group names without transforming them with COMMON_NAME_SHORTCUTS
logs grouped by metric groups - groups are passed in the class constructor
method use group patterns instead of groups if they are available
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def grouped_log_history(self, raw_names: bool = False, raw_group_names: bool = False) -> Dict[str, Dict[str, List[LogItem]]]: """ Args: raw_names: flag, return raw names instead of transformed by metric to name (as in update() input dictionary) raw_group_names: flag, return group names without transforming them with COMMON_NAME_SHORTCUTS Returns: logs grouped by metric groups - groups are passed in the class constructor Notes: method use group patterns instead of groups if they are available """ if self.auto_generate_groups: self.groups = self._auto_generate_groups() ret = {} sorted_groups = OrderedDict(sorted(self.groups.items(), key=lambda t: t[0])) for group_name, names in sorted_groups.items(): group_name = group_name if raw_group_names else COMMON_NAME_SHORTCUTS.get(group_name, group_name) ret[group_name] = { name if raw_names else self.metric_to_name.get(name, name): self.history_shorter(name) for name in names } return ret
def history_shorter(self, name: str, full: bool = False) ‑> List[LogItem]
- metrics name, e.g. 'val_acc' or 'loss'
- flag, if True return all, otherwise as specified by the from_step parameter
a list of log items
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def history_shorter(self, name: str, full: bool = False) -> List[LogItem]: """ Args: name: metrics name, e.g. 'val_acc' or 'loss' full: flag, if True return all, otherwise as specified by the from_step parameter Returns: a list of log items """ log_metrics = self.log_history[name] if full or self.from_step == 0: return log_metrics elif self.from_step > 0: return [x for x in log_metrics if x.step >= self.from_step] else: current_from_step = self.current_step + self.from_step return [x for x in log_metrics if x.step >= current_from_step]
def reset(self) ‑> None
Method clears logs, groups and reset step counter
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def reset(self) -> None: """Method clears logs, groups and reset step counter""" self.log_history = {} self.groups = {} self.current_step = -1
def update(self, logs: Dict[str, float], current_step: Optional[int] = None) ‑> None
- dictionary with metric names and values
- current step of the training loop
Loop step can be controlled outside or inside main logger with autoincrement of self.current_step
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def update(self, logs: Dict[str, float], current_step: Optional[int] = None) -> None: """ Args: logs: dictionary with metric names and values current_step: current step of the training loop Notes: Loop step can be controlled outside or inside main logger with autoincrement of self.current_step """ if current_step is None: self.current_step += 1 current_step = self.current_step else: self.current_step = current_step for k, v in logs.items(): if k not in self.log_history: self._add_new_metric(k) self.log_history[k].append(LogItem(step=current_step, value=v))
class PlotLosses (outputs: List[Union[Type[~BO], str]] = ['MatplotlibPlot', 'ExtremaPrinter'], mode: str = 'notebook', **kwargs)
Class collect metrics from the training engine and send it to plugins, when send is called
- list of output modules: objects inheriting from BaseOutput or strings for livelossplot built-in output methods with default parameters
- Options: 'notebook' or 'script' - some of outputs need to change some behaviors, depending on the working environment
- key-arguments which are passed to MainLogger constructor
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class PlotLosses: """ Class collect metrics from the training engine and send it to plugins, when send is called """ def __init__( self, outputs: List[Union[Type[BO], str]] = ['MatplotlibPlot', 'ExtremaPrinter'], mode: str = 'notebook', **kwargs ): """ Args: outputs: list of output modules: objects inheriting from BaseOutput or strings for livelossplot built-in output methods with default parameters mode: Options: 'notebook' or 'script' - some of outputs need to change some behaviors, depending on the working environment **kwargs: key-arguments which are passed to MainLogger constructor """ self.logger = MainLogger(**kwargs) self.outputs = [getattr(livelossplot.outputs, out)() if isinstance(out, str) else out for out in outputs] for out in self.outputs: out.set_output_mode(mode) def update(self, *args, **kwargs): """update logs with arguments that will be passed to main logger""" self.logger.update(*args, **kwargs) def send(self): """Method will send logs to every output class""" for output in self.outputs: output.send(self.logger) def draw(self): """Send method substitute from old livelossplot api""" warnings.warn('draw will be deprecated, please use send method', PendingDeprecationWarning) self.send() def reset_outputs(self) -> 'PlotLosses': """Resets all outputs. Returns: Plotlosses object (so it works for chaining) """ self.outputs = [] return self def to_matplotlib(self, **kwargs) -> 'PlotLosses': """Appends outputs.MatplotlibPlot output, with specified parameters. Args: **kwargs: keyword arguments for MatplotlibPlot Returns: Plotlosses object (so it works for chaining) """ self.outputs.append(outputs.MatplotlibPlot(**kwargs)) return self def to_extrema_printer(self, **kwargs) -> 'PlotLosses': """Appends outputs.ExtremaPrinter output, with specified parameters. Args: **kwargs: keyword arguments for ExtremaPrinter Returns: Plotlosses object (so it works for chaining) """ self.outputs.append(outputs.ExtremaPrinter(**kwargs)) return self def to_bokeh(self, **kwargs) -> 'PlotLosses': """Appends outputs.BokehPlot output, with specified parameters. Args: **kwargs: keyword arguments for BokehPlot Returns: Plotlosses object (so it works for chaining) """ self.outputs.append(outputs.BokehPlot(**kwargs)) return self def to_neptune(self, **kwargs) -> 'PlotLosses': """Appends outputs.NeptuneLogger output, with specified parameters. Args: **kwargs: keyword arguments for NeptuneLogger Returns: Plotlosses object (so it works for chaining) """ self.outputs.append(outputs.NeptuneLogger(**kwargs)) return self def to_tensorboard(self, **kwargs) -> 'PlotLosses': """Appends outputs.TensorboardLogger output, with specified parameters. Args: **kwargs: keyword arguments for TensorboardLogger Returns: Plotlosses object (so it works for chaining) """ self.outputs.append(outputs.TensorboardLogger(**kwargs)) return self def to_tensorboard_tf(self, **kwargs) -> 'PlotLosses': """Appends outputs.TensorboardTFLogger output, with specified parameters. Args: **kwargs: keyword arguments for TensorboardTFLogger Returns: Plotlosses object (so it works for chaining) """ self.outputs.append(outputs.TensorboardTFLogger(**kwargs)) return self
def draw(self)
Send method substitute from old livelossplot api
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def draw(self): """Send method substitute from old livelossplot api""" warnings.warn('draw will be deprecated, please use send method', PendingDeprecationWarning) self.send()
def reset_outputs(self) ‑> PlotLosses
Resets all outputs.
Plotlosses object (so it works for chaining)
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def reset_outputs(self) -> 'PlotLosses': """Resets all outputs. Returns: Plotlosses object (so it works for chaining) """ self.outputs = [] return self
def send(self)
Method will send logs to every output class
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def send(self): """Method will send logs to every output class""" for output in self.outputs: output.send(self.logger)
def to_bokeh(self, **kwargs) ‑> PlotLosses
Appends outputs.BokehPlot output, with specified parameters.
- keyword arguments for BokehPlot
Plotlosses object (so it works for chaining)
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def to_bokeh(self, **kwargs) -> 'PlotLosses': """Appends outputs.BokehPlot output, with specified parameters. Args: **kwargs: keyword arguments for BokehPlot Returns: Plotlosses object (so it works for chaining) """ self.outputs.append(outputs.BokehPlot(**kwargs)) return self
def to_extrema_printer(self, **kwargs) ‑> PlotLosses
Appends outputs.ExtremaPrinter output, with specified parameters.
- keyword arguments for ExtremaPrinter
Plotlosses object (so it works for chaining)
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def to_extrema_printer(self, **kwargs) -> 'PlotLosses': """Appends outputs.ExtremaPrinter output, with specified parameters. Args: **kwargs: keyword arguments for ExtremaPrinter Returns: Plotlosses object (so it works for chaining) """ self.outputs.append(outputs.ExtremaPrinter(**kwargs)) return self
def to_matplotlib(self, **kwargs) ‑> PlotLosses
Appends outputs.MatplotlibPlot output, with specified parameters.
- keyword arguments for MatplotlibPlot
Plotlosses object (so it works for chaining)
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def to_matplotlib(self, **kwargs) -> 'PlotLosses': """Appends outputs.MatplotlibPlot output, with specified parameters. Args: **kwargs: keyword arguments for MatplotlibPlot Returns: Plotlosses object (so it works for chaining) """ self.outputs.append(outputs.MatplotlibPlot(**kwargs)) return self
def to_neptune(self, **kwargs) ‑> PlotLosses
Appends outputs.NeptuneLogger output, with specified parameters.
- keyword arguments for NeptuneLogger
Plotlosses object (so it works for chaining)
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def to_neptune(self, **kwargs) -> 'PlotLosses': """Appends outputs.NeptuneLogger output, with specified parameters. Args: **kwargs: keyword arguments for NeptuneLogger Returns: Plotlosses object (so it works for chaining) """ self.outputs.append(outputs.NeptuneLogger(**kwargs)) return self
def to_tensorboard(self, **kwargs) ‑> PlotLosses
Appends outputs.TensorboardLogger output, with specified parameters.
- keyword arguments for TensorboardLogger
Plotlosses object (so it works for chaining)
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def to_tensorboard(self, **kwargs) -> 'PlotLosses': """Appends outputs.TensorboardLogger output, with specified parameters. Args: **kwargs: keyword arguments for TensorboardLogger Returns: Plotlosses object (so it works for chaining) """ self.outputs.append(outputs.TensorboardLogger(**kwargs)) return self
def to_tensorboard_tf(self, **kwargs) ‑> PlotLosses
Appends outputs.TensorboardTFLogger output, with specified parameters.
- keyword arguments for TensorboardTFLogger
Plotlosses object (so it works for chaining)
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def to_tensorboard_tf(self, **kwargs) -> 'PlotLosses': """Appends outputs.TensorboardTFLogger output, with specified parameters. Args: **kwargs: keyword arguments for TensorboardTFLogger Returns: Plotlosses object (so it works for chaining) """ self.outputs.append(outputs.TensorboardTFLogger(**kwargs)) return self
def update(self, *args, **kwargs)
update logs with arguments that will be passed to main logger
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def update(self, *args, **kwargs): """update logs with arguments that will be passed to main logger""" self.logger.update(*args, **kwargs)