Module livelossplot.main_logger

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import re
from collections import OrderedDict, defaultdict
from typing import NamedTuple, Dict, Iterable, List, Pattern, Tuple, Optional, Union

# Value of metrics - for value later, we want to support numpy arrays etc
LogItem = NamedTuple('LogItem', [('step', int), ('value', float)])
    'acc': 'Accuracy',
    'nll': 'Log Loss (cost function)',
    'mse': 'Mean Squared Error',
    'loss': 'Loss'

class MainLogger:
    Main logger - the aim of this class is to store every log from training
    Log is a float value with corresponding training engine step
    def __init__(
        groups: Optional[Dict[str, List[str]]] = None,
        metric_to_name: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None,
        from_step: int = 0,
        current_step: int = -1,
        auto_generate_groups_if_not_available: bool = True,
        auto_generate_metric_to_name: bool = True,
        group_patterns: Iterable[Tuple[Pattern, str]] = (
            (r'^(?!val(_|-))(.*)', 'training'),
            (r'^(val(_|-))(.*)', 'validation'),
        step_names: Union[str, Dict[str, str]] = 'epoch'
            groups: dictionary with grouped metrics for example the group 'accuracy' can contains different stages
                for example 'validation_accuracy', 'training_accuracy' etc.
            metric_to_name: transformation of metric name which can be used to display name
                we can have short name in the code (acc), but full name on charts (Accuracy)
            from_step: step to show in plots (positive: show steps from this one, negative: show only this many last steps)
            current_step: current step of the train loop
            auto_generate_groups_if_not_available: flag, that enable auto-creation of metric groups
                base on group patterns
            auto_generate_metric_to_name: flag, that enable auto-creation of metric long names
                base on common shortcuts
            group_patterns: you can put there regular expressions to match a few metric names with group
                and replace its name using second value
            step_names: dictionary with a name of x axis for each metrics group or one name for all metrics
        self.log_history = {}
        self.groups = groups if groups is not None else {}
        self.metric_to_name = metric_to_name if metric_to_name else {}
        self.from_step = from_step
        self.current_step = current_step
        self.auto_generate_groups = all((not groups, auto_generate_groups_if_not_available))
        self.auto_generate_metric_to_name = auto_generate_metric_to_name
        self.group_patterns = tuple((re.compile(pattern), replace_with) for pattern, replace_with in group_patterns)
        if isinstance(step_names, str):
            self.step_names = defaultdict(lambda: step_names)
            self.step_names = defaultdict(lambda: 'epoch', step_names)

    def update(self, logs: Dict[str, float], current_step: Optional[int] = None) -> None:
            logs: dictionary with metric names and values
            current_step: current step of the training loop

            Loop step can be controlled outside or inside main logger with autoincrement of self.current_step
        if current_step is None:
            self.current_step += 1
            current_step = self.current_step
            self.current_step = current_step
        for k, v in logs.items():
            if k not in self.log_history:
            self.log_history[k].append(LogItem(step=current_step, value=v))

    def _add_new_metric(self, metric_name: str):
        """Add empty list for a new metric and extend metric name transformations
            metric_name: name of metric that will be added to log_history as empty list
        self.log_history[metric_name] = []
        if not self.metric_to_name.get(metric_name):

    def _auto_generate_metrics_to_name(self, metric_name: str):
        """The function generate transforms for metric names base on patterns
            metric_name: name of new appended metric

            It can create transformation from val_acc to Validation Accuracy
        suffix = self._find_suffix_with_group_patterns(metric_name)
        if suffix is None and suffix != metric_name:
        similar_metric_names = [m for m in self.log_history.keys() if m.endswith(suffix)]
        if len(similar_metric_names) == 1:
        for name in similar_metric_names:
            new_name = name
            for pattern_to_replace, replace_with in self.group_patterns:
                new_name = re.sub(pattern_to_replace, replace_with, new_name)
            if suffix in COMMON_NAME_SHORTCUTS.keys():
                new_name = new_name.replace(suffix, COMMON_NAME_SHORTCUTS[suffix])
            self.metric_to_name[name] = new_name

    def grouped_log_history(self,
                            raw_names: bool = False,
                            raw_group_names: bool = False) -> Dict[str, Dict[str, List[LogItem]]]:
            raw_names: flag, return raw names instead of transformed by metric to name (as in update() input dictionary)
            raw_group_names: flag, return group names without transforming them with COMMON_NAME_SHORTCUTS

            logs grouped by metric groups - groups are passed in the class constructor

            method use group patterns instead of groups if they are available
        if self.auto_generate_groups:
            self.groups = self._auto_generate_groups()
        ret = {}
        sorted_groups = OrderedDict(sorted(self.groups.items(), key=lambda t: t[0]))
        for group_name, names in sorted_groups.items():
            group_name = group_name if raw_group_names else COMMON_NAME_SHORTCUTS.get(group_name, group_name)
            ret[group_name] = {
                name if raw_names else self.metric_to_name.get(name, name): self.history_shorter(name)
                for name in names
        return ret

    def history_shorter(self, name: str, full: bool = False) -> List[LogItem]:
            name: metrics name, e.g. 'val_acc' or 'loss'
            full: flag, if True return all, otherwise as specified by the from_step parameter

            a list of log items
        log_metrics = self.log_history[name]
        if full or self.from_step == 0:
            return log_metrics
        elif self.from_step > 0:
            return [x for x in log_metrics if x.step >= self.from_step]
            current_from_step = self.current_step + self.from_step
            return [x for x in log_metrics if x.step >= current_from_step]

    def _auto_generate_groups(self) -> Dict[str, List[str]]:
            groups generated with group patterns

            Auto create groups base on val_ prefix - this step is skipped if groups are set
                or if group patterns are available
        groups = {}
        for key in self.log_history.keys():
            abs_key = self._find_suffix_with_group_patterns(key)
            if not groups.get(abs_key):
                groups[abs_key] = []
        return groups

    def _find_suffix_with_group_patterns(self, metric_name: str) -> str:
        suffix = metric_name
        for pattern, _ in self.group_patterns:
            match = re.match(pattern, metric_name)
            if match:
                suffix = match.groups()[-1]
        return suffix

    def reset(self) -> None:
        """Method clears logs, groups and reset step counter"""
        self.log_history = {}
        self.groups = {}
        self.current_step = -1

    def groups(self) -> Dict[str, List[str]]:
        """groups getter"""
        return self._groups

    def groups(self, value: Dict[str, List[str]]) -> None:
        """groups setter - groups should be dictionary"""
        if value is None:
            self._groups = {}
        self._groups = value

    def log_history(self) -> Dict[str, List[LogItem]]:
        """logs getter"""
        return self._log_history

    def log_history(self, value: Dict[str, List[LogItem]]) -> None:
        """logs setter - logs can not be overwritten - you can only reset it to empty state"""
        if len(value) > 0:
            raise RuntimeError('Cannot overwrite log history with non empty dictionary')
        self._log_history = value


class LogItem (step, value)

LogItem(step, value)


  • builtins.tuple

Instance variables

var step : int

Alias for field number 0

var value : float

Alias for field number 1

class MainLogger (groups: Optional[Dict[str, List[str]]] = None, metric_to_name: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, from_step: int = 0, current_step: int = -1, auto_generate_groups_if_not_available: bool = True, auto_generate_metric_to_name: bool = True, group_patterns: Iterable[Tuple[Pattern[~AnyStr], str]] = (('^(?!val(_|-))(.*)', 'training'), ('^(val(_|-))(.*)', 'validation')), step_names: Union[str, Dict[str, str]] = 'epoch')

Main logger - the aim of this class is to store every log from training Log is a float value with corresponding training engine step


dictionary with grouped metrics for example the group 'accuracy' can contains different stages for example 'validation_accuracy', 'training_accuracy' etc.
transformation of metric name which can be used to display name we can have short name in the code (acc), but full name on charts (Accuracy)
step to show in plots (positive: show steps from this one, negative: show only this many last steps)
current step of the train loop
flag, that enable auto-creation of metric groups base on group patterns
flag, that enable auto-creation of metric long names base on common shortcuts
you can put there regular expressions to match a few metric names with group and replace its name using second value
dictionary with a name of x axis for each metrics group or one name for all metrics
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class MainLogger:
    Main logger - the aim of this class is to store every log from training
    Log is a float value with corresponding training engine step
    def __init__(
        groups: Optional[Dict[str, List[str]]] = None,
        metric_to_name: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None,
        from_step: int = 0,
        current_step: int = -1,
        auto_generate_groups_if_not_available: bool = True,
        auto_generate_metric_to_name: bool = True,
        group_patterns: Iterable[Tuple[Pattern, str]] = (
            (r'^(?!val(_|-))(.*)', 'training'),
            (r'^(val(_|-))(.*)', 'validation'),
        step_names: Union[str, Dict[str, str]] = 'epoch'
            groups: dictionary with grouped metrics for example the group 'accuracy' can contains different stages
                for example 'validation_accuracy', 'training_accuracy' etc.
            metric_to_name: transformation of metric name which can be used to display name
                we can have short name in the code (acc), but full name on charts (Accuracy)
            from_step: step to show in plots (positive: show steps from this one, negative: show only this many last steps)
            current_step: current step of the train loop
            auto_generate_groups_if_not_available: flag, that enable auto-creation of metric groups
                base on group patterns
            auto_generate_metric_to_name: flag, that enable auto-creation of metric long names
                base on common shortcuts
            group_patterns: you can put there regular expressions to match a few metric names with group
                and replace its name using second value
            step_names: dictionary with a name of x axis for each metrics group or one name for all metrics
        self.log_history = {}
        self.groups = groups if groups is not None else {}
        self.metric_to_name = metric_to_name if metric_to_name else {}
        self.from_step = from_step
        self.current_step = current_step
        self.auto_generate_groups = all((not groups, auto_generate_groups_if_not_available))
        self.auto_generate_metric_to_name = auto_generate_metric_to_name
        self.group_patterns = tuple((re.compile(pattern), replace_with) for pattern, replace_with in group_patterns)
        if isinstance(step_names, str):
            self.step_names = defaultdict(lambda: step_names)
            self.step_names = defaultdict(lambda: 'epoch', step_names)

    def update(self, logs: Dict[str, float], current_step: Optional[int] = None) -> None:
            logs: dictionary with metric names and values
            current_step: current step of the training loop

            Loop step can be controlled outside or inside main logger with autoincrement of self.current_step
        if current_step is None:
            self.current_step += 1
            current_step = self.current_step
            self.current_step = current_step
        for k, v in logs.items():
            if k not in self.log_history:
            self.log_history[k].append(LogItem(step=current_step, value=v))

    def _add_new_metric(self, metric_name: str):
        """Add empty list for a new metric and extend metric name transformations
            metric_name: name of metric that will be added to log_history as empty list
        self.log_history[metric_name] = []
        if not self.metric_to_name.get(metric_name):

    def _auto_generate_metrics_to_name(self, metric_name: str):
        """The function generate transforms for metric names base on patterns
            metric_name: name of new appended metric

            It can create transformation from val_acc to Validation Accuracy
        suffix = self._find_suffix_with_group_patterns(metric_name)
        if suffix is None and suffix != metric_name:
        similar_metric_names = [m for m in self.log_history.keys() if m.endswith(suffix)]
        if len(similar_metric_names) == 1:
        for name in similar_metric_names:
            new_name = name
            for pattern_to_replace, replace_with in self.group_patterns:
                new_name = re.sub(pattern_to_replace, replace_with, new_name)
            if suffix in COMMON_NAME_SHORTCUTS.keys():
                new_name = new_name.replace(suffix, COMMON_NAME_SHORTCUTS[suffix])
            self.metric_to_name[name] = new_name

    def grouped_log_history(self,
                            raw_names: bool = False,
                            raw_group_names: bool = False) -> Dict[str, Dict[str, List[LogItem]]]:
            raw_names: flag, return raw names instead of transformed by metric to name (as in update() input dictionary)
            raw_group_names: flag, return group names without transforming them with COMMON_NAME_SHORTCUTS

            logs grouped by metric groups - groups are passed in the class constructor

            method use group patterns instead of groups if they are available
        if self.auto_generate_groups:
            self.groups = self._auto_generate_groups()
        ret = {}
        sorted_groups = OrderedDict(sorted(self.groups.items(), key=lambda t: t[0]))
        for group_name, names in sorted_groups.items():
            group_name = group_name if raw_group_names else COMMON_NAME_SHORTCUTS.get(group_name, group_name)
            ret[group_name] = {
                name if raw_names else self.metric_to_name.get(name, name): self.history_shorter(name)
                for name in names
        return ret

    def history_shorter(self, name: str, full: bool = False) -> List[LogItem]:
            name: metrics name, e.g. 'val_acc' or 'loss'
            full: flag, if True return all, otherwise as specified by the from_step parameter

            a list of log items
        log_metrics = self.log_history[name]
        if full or self.from_step == 0:
            return log_metrics
        elif self.from_step > 0:
            return [x for x in log_metrics if x.step >= self.from_step]
            current_from_step = self.current_step + self.from_step
            return [x for x in log_metrics if x.step >= current_from_step]

    def _auto_generate_groups(self) -> Dict[str, List[str]]:
            groups generated with group patterns

            Auto create groups base on val_ prefix - this step is skipped if groups are set
                or if group patterns are available
        groups = {}
        for key in self.log_history.keys():
            abs_key = self._find_suffix_with_group_patterns(key)
            if not groups.get(abs_key):
                groups[abs_key] = []
        return groups

    def _find_suffix_with_group_patterns(self, metric_name: str) -> str:
        suffix = metric_name
        for pattern, _ in self.group_patterns:
            match = re.match(pattern, metric_name)
            if match:
                suffix = match.groups()[-1]
        return suffix

    def reset(self) -> None:
        """Method clears logs, groups and reset step counter"""
        self.log_history = {}
        self.groups = {}
        self.current_step = -1

    def groups(self) -> Dict[str, List[str]]:
        """groups getter"""
        return self._groups

    def groups(self, value: Dict[str, List[str]]) -> None:
        """groups setter - groups should be dictionary"""
        if value is None:
            self._groups = {}
        self._groups = value

    def log_history(self) -> Dict[str, List[LogItem]]:
        """logs getter"""
        return self._log_history

    def log_history(self, value: Dict[str, List[LogItem]]) -> None:
        """logs setter - logs can not be overwritten - you can only reset it to empty state"""
        if len(value) > 0:
            raise RuntimeError('Cannot overwrite log history with non empty dictionary')
        self._log_history = value

Instance variables

var groups : Dict[str, List[str]]

groups getter

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def groups(self) -> Dict[str, List[str]]:
    """groups getter"""
    return self._groups
var log_history : Dict[str, List[LogItem]]

logs getter

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def log_history(self) -> Dict[str, List[LogItem]]:
    """logs getter"""
    return self._log_history


def grouped_log_history(self, raw_names: bool = False, raw_group_names: bool = False) ‑> Dict[str, Dict[str, List[LogItem]]]


flag, return raw names instead of transformed by metric to name (as in update() input dictionary)
flag, return group names without transforming them with COMMON_NAME_SHORTCUTS


logs grouped by metric groups - groups are passed in the class constructor


method use group patterns instead of groups if they are available

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def grouped_log_history(self,
                        raw_names: bool = False,
                        raw_group_names: bool = False) -> Dict[str, Dict[str, List[LogItem]]]:
        raw_names: flag, return raw names instead of transformed by metric to name (as in update() input dictionary)
        raw_group_names: flag, return group names without transforming them with COMMON_NAME_SHORTCUTS

        logs grouped by metric groups - groups are passed in the class constructor

        method use group patterns instead of groups if they are available
    if self.auto_generate_groups:
        self.groups = self._auto_generate_groups()
    ret = {}
    sorted_groups = OrderedDict(sorted(self.groups.items(), key=lambda t: t[0]))
    for group_name, names in sorted_groups.items():
        group_name = group_name if raw_group_names else COMMON_NAME_SHORTCUTS.get(group_name, group_name)
        ret[group_name] = {
            name if raw_names else self.metric_to_name.get(name, name): self.history_shorter(name)
            for name in names
    return ret
def history_shorter(self, name: str, full: bool = False) ‑> List[LogItem]


metrics name, e.g. 'val_acc' or 'loss'
flag, if True return all, otherwise as specified by the from_step parameter


a list of log items

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def history_shorter(self, name: str, full: bool = False) -> List[LogItem]:
        name: metrics name, e.g. 'val_acc' or 'loss'
        full: flag, if True return all, otherwise as specified by the from_step parameter

        a list of log items
    log_metrics = self.log_history[name]
    if full or self.from_step == 0:
        return log_metrics
    elif self.from_step > 0:
        return [x for x in log_metrics if x.step >= self.from_step]
        current_from_step = self.current_step + self.from_step
        return [x for x in log_metrics if x.step >= current_from_step]
def reset(self) ‑> None

Method clears logs, groups and reset step counter

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def reset(self) -> None:
    """Method clears logs, groups and reset step counter"""
    self.log_history = {}
    self.groups = {}
    self.current_step = -1
def update(self, logs: Dict[str, float], current_step: Optional[int] = None) ‑> None


dictionary with metric names and values
current step of the training loop


Loop step can be controlled outside or inside main logger with autoincrement of self.current_step

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def update(self, logs: Dict[str, float], current_step: Optional[int] = None) -> None:
        logs: dictionary with metric names and values
        current_step: current step of the training loop

        Loop step can be controlled outside or inside main logger with autoincrement of self.current_step
    if current_step is None:
        self.current_step += 1
        current_step = self.current_step
        self.current_step = current_step
    for k, v in logs.items():
        if k not in self.log_history:
        self.log_history[k].append(LogItem(step=current_step, value=v))