Piotr Migdał /pjɔtr ˈmig.daw/ - a curious being, doctor of sorcery.
Professionally: I provide consulting and contract services in AI (focusing on user-facing applications), quantum computing, data visualization, and related technologies. Right now, I develop ggPrompt at Quesma - upload your CSV, write a prompt, and get a journal-worthy chart.
Previously: Co-founder & CTO of Quantum Flytrap, deep learning consultant, data viz specialist, quantum physics PhD. More in my resume.
Personally: I dance balfolk, fusion and Zouk. I do sauna rituals, among trees, ponds and streams. A bit more on my journey in this post. I massage to release emotional tensions, see more at Kwantowy Dotyk.
Here: I invite you to read my stuff, take a look at my projects, skim abstracts of my academic publications.
I love emails, and it is the preferred way to approach me, pmigdal@gmail.com
GitHub is my favorite social network, and here are my repos, including the source code of this website.
See also my other accounts: personal Facebook, professional LinkedIn, sporadically-used Instagram, Twitter and Mastodon, and my vast link hoard at Pinboard.